Tourism Congress 2

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Another tourism congress will be held this coming November 10, 2011 at the PICC. The goal is to rectify what was wrong in the first tourism congress and to elect a new leadership in the private sector.

Last time around, the result created disunity and stalled what could have been positive action plans to uplift our tourism industry using the new tourism law.

It is with high hopes that this second Tourism Congress will create unity and move forward the industry.
As in any other body, there are a lot of groups and individuals who are trying to grab a seat or voice in the congress just to satisfy their self interest and not the industry. This is what we have to guard and be vigilant about.

Our tourism is one of the sunshine industries if only all the members of the sector will keep this in mind that we first serve our country before our interest.

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