The A to Z of Event Management | Event Management Philippines

Friday, March 11, 2016

Event Management is an exciting but challenging field. There are some that consider it a thankless job, and there are some that treat it as a beautiful universe.

Regardless of what's your take with event management, here are some magical words in the world of event management. You can treat it as a tip or you can treat it as a great reminder that event management is as wide as an ocean and as deep as the Philippine deepest sea.

This is not a standard definition but definitions from my perspective in my 16 years of experience in this industry.


Accounting   - To know if you made a profit, you should have an efficient accounting system during events.

Accounts Management    - You need to manage or service your clients whenever, wherever and whatever state or situation you are in. If not, lose them.

App                 - It is an app world and events are not immune to this explosion. Use app to enhance your customer experience.


Big Data        - in the world of information, having a big data that cognitively analyses your events will make you ahead of the pack.

Branding       - events are great for increasing your brand equity.

Budget           - work within the budget. Resources are limited and will always be.


Challenge                 - no two events are the same, all events are a challenge and you should use this challenge to motivate you to excel.

Checklist                  - A tool to make you successful in events

Clients                       - not all clients are equal, choose profitable clients.

Communication      - Communication solves a lot of problems in events


Delegates     - The lifeblood of conferences and congress

Determination – You need determination to be successful in the event management field.


Egress                       - Moving-out, pullout

Engagement            - the reason why we love events is because of the high engagement it provides to all attendees. It is still the best engagement platform by far that technology cannot and will not make obsolete.

Exlinkevents            - A fifteen-year-old organization. I am part of this great organization where continuous learning is the main reason for our success.

Exhibitor                   - The lifeblood of exhibitions

Experience               - Events are now called experience, I agree this is a better term.    


Face-to-Face – Events are the most effective face-to-face platform for all business.

Focus             - In order to be successful in the event management industry you need to have a laser focus on the current project that you are handling.

Fallback        - a strategy that you use when the original plan do not work.


Goal                - without a goal you will be like driftwood floating in the chaotic sea of event management. What is your goal in entering the event management industry; determine that goal and you are half the battle in being successful.


Hard work    - I am not kidding, to be successful in event management you have to work hard. There is no secret formula to be successful here; hard work will separate you from the rest of the pack.

Humility         - there are other people better than you and the competition is always out there to take over your business, so stay humble.


Ingress          - Set-up, Moving-in

Integrity         - there will be a lot of temptations that may ruin the company that you represent, or that may ruin your reputation. So be careful and rise above the temptation.


Journey         - consider embarking on the event management industry, a journey that you will never forget, because it is a journey worth your time and effort.


Knowledge   - your knowledge in the event management industry happens because of your trainings, experience and self-study. The more you know, the more competent and confident you become.


Layout           - Always be familiar with all venue layouts.

Leads                        - Leads are the reason we are joining events, it is where sales will be generated.

Live                - the beauty of events is that it is live, requiring you to be prepared and plan ahead to manage all goals and expectations successfully.

Love               - I love event management, and love is the key to stay longer in this industry. It is not all about the money, but a deeper sense of love of what you do and contribute in each event that you handle.


Margin           - You must have a substantial margin in order to earn in this industry.

Marketing     - Create the need that your market demands


Negotiation – All things can be negotiated and you must learn the Art of Negotiation to be successful in the event management industry.

Networking  - is the main reason why some people attend events


Ocular Inspection   - A critical pre-event function to ensure logistical requirements are met and provided.

Orientation               Events are successful because of orientation.


Passion                     - passion will see you through all the hard works and challenges of event management.

Profit                          - Besides money, there are other ways to make profit.

Promotion                - Promotion is crucial to the success of events.


Queues                     - the challenge of events is to eliminate the queues.

QR Code                    - QR Code is a great system, only if the Internet connection is strong during events, most especially if your QR code points us to a website.


Rewards                   - Rewards program must always be in place to retain clients and motivate sales and staff.


Sales                         - Sales is the lifeblood of our organization.

Staff                           - A trained and skilled staff is critical to the success of events.

Survey                       - never be afraid to get your customer feedbacks thru your survey, this will help you improve your process.


Technology              - we cannot ignore the role of technology in making a successful event.

Technical Meeting  - a critical activity that you must conduct all of your events.

Teamwork                - Teamwork is making the impossible, possible.

Timetable                 - Always have a timetable in each project.


Unity                           - Unity is the key to producing a great event.


Venue                        - A great and right venue is one of the critical success factors of an event.


Work Breakdown Structure – You need to break down events into smaller details to make it manageable.


X-Factor                    - X-Factor set you apart of the competition, so what is your X-Factor as an event management company?


Yes                             - the best answer a client gives you during a negotiation. This one gets my adrenaline pumping.


Zany               - when things are not going your way, always put up a zany personality, because events are crazy and being serious can lead to heart attacks.

Zero               - From Zero to Hero, this is your mantra when you are creating or starting an event, a great motivational mindset that will push you to greater heights of success.

This is not by far a complete Alphabet for my Events Management experience but reading through this will give you an appreciation of how I value this industry and learn some lessons out of this alphabet soup.



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