3 Things I Learned from MICECON 2023 Post Event Assessment

Sunday, April 23, 2023

3 Things I Learned from MICECON 2023 Post-Event Assessment.

I had the opportunity to take part in the MICECON 2023 Post-Event Assessment held in Davao.

For one day, all the committee heads of the Davao Organizing Committee shared their pains and gains in handling the challenges that came their way.

An event like MICECON is not an easy task. In fact, no event is easy. There are a lot of moving parts that you need to take care of to ensure the success of an event. 

At the end of the post-event assessment of MICECON 2023, we concluded that this is so far the #BestMICECONever. This puts pressure on a positive way to future hosts of the event.

I have three learnings from the post-event assessment. Watch the video and learn from it.

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