5 E’s of Event Management | Event Management Philippines

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Events are becoming more crucial as we move on to a very exciting but unpredictable time. The business landscape has tremendously changed. The digital age is upon us. However, it only made experience or events a necessary ingredient for business success.

So if your company is planning to use the event as part of your business strategy, you are in the right direction. If you are a government agency planning to achieve your goals, events are great anchor to accomplish that and broadcast loudly and effectively to the public your projects.

In order to ensure you have a successful event, here are the 5 E’s of Judy Allen that you must make sure should be present and accounted for in your events.

1.    Elements

The elements are the necessary parts that your event must have. It is important to research, study and decide the elements that should be present in your event.

I always preach God is in the Details, to stay true to this dictum you must painstakingly discuss with your team or event manager the elements that must be present in order to achieve the objectives you set for.

The right elements will give you the confidence that come the actual event implementation, you will be able to deliver what you promised and conquer the objectives you set for.

2.     Essentials

The resources that we have will always be limited. During brainstorming and ideation, I always recommend that we must never kill ideas. But near the implementation phase, where we will decide to include or exclude details of the event that we wanted, the essentials must never be removed.

It is up to you to determine what are the essentials of your event. The essentials are the must have and the elements that we cannot afford to lose.

3.    Environment

In marketing it is called the Place in the marketing mix, we always believe that location, location, location is still the battle cry to ensure that our event will be well attended by our target visitors.

In choosing your environment, my first and foremost recommendation is the safety and security of the venue. For me, I always put premium to the safety and security of the target audience.

Besides this, the accessibility of the venue is also high in my consideration on my decision-making if I wanted to hold the event in a particular venue.

Lastly, the theme that we will create to communicate the vibe that we wanted to impart to our target audience is also important.

4.    Energy

Events are made of this. We can create a great content, but it will be nothing if we do not supplement it with the energy that we wanted to catapult the experience of the target attendees.

In expo, the energy of trade or exchange of business information of the buyers and sellers, and in conference, the energy of the speakers, entertainers and other actors of the event are critical.

We attend to the event to realize the excitement that the event caused us during its pre-event promotions.

The energy we place into the expos, conferences, trade missions, B2B networking will create an indelible mark to the minds and hearts of our target visitors.

Therefore, we must think seriously how to create and transfer it effectively.

All our events must be vibrant, throbbing that it's causing a different palpitation to the hearts of our audience and titillating their bodies with something they can’t explain, compelling them to be magnetized and in love with our event.

5.    Emotion

Thousand of years have passed, our brains have evolved, but the truth of the matter, our emotional brain, which is our dinosaur brain, still rules us all.

Events is the sum total of the energy and emotions we generate from the audience. We attend the event to get the emotions we need. Events are elixir of the heart.

Since events are all about experience, a bigger part of our experience is led by emotions.

As an event manager, you are tasked to create the right emotions and amplify it.
Our events cannot be just commonplace or like other events. If we create an event, it must always be something different.

The difference that we seek and create must be fundamentally linked to the energy and emotions that it can generate.

In summary, if you wanted to have a successful event, you have to include and consider the Elements, Essentials, Environment, Energy and Emotions that must be part of the event.

Only by doing this that as an event manager, you will be so confident that you will always deliver and end up successful as you navigate the exciting and risky world of event management.

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