- Monday, October 28, 2024
The secret of great brands that you must know! Knowing this will make you approach your business in a different way!
- Tuesday, November 07, 2023
Lovemarks for Influencers is my last commentary on the Marc Pingris and Rendon Labador issue using marketing and branding tools.
Watch the video
- Wednesday, September 07, 2022
The 3 Levels of Marketing Performances for SMEs by Philip Kotler in his book Kotler on Marketing will help SMEs and Marketing Professionals how to up their game and make their companies more successful.
The 3 Levels of Marketing Performances will help SMEs create better strategies that will answer the challenge of the new normal.
- Sunday, June 21, 2020
Know why the ability to change rapidly is a competitive advantage. Watch the video.
- Monday, June 15, 2020
The Asian Marketing Congress has ended but the beautiful and awesome
ideas I got are like a downpour of rain – refreshing!
1. Monotasking
Multitasking is dead. In the
coming years, companies will be demanding quality of work and this gives life
to monotasking. Monotasking allows individuals to be focused and more effective
in finishing one task at a time. I can’t wait for this to be a commonplace.
2. Party-cipation
All events should be like this. I wanted to see this becoming a common
fixture in learning events. Yeah, I want delegates PARTY-cipation
(Fear of Missing Out)
This will continue to be a common behavioral response of the Millenials
and marketing professionals will continue to take advantage of this knowledge
by creating messages aim at stirring FOMO in all of us.
As brands strive deeper human connection, sympathetic pricing will be one
of the strategies or tactics to show and develop this humane connection. I love
this because brands now will be able to transcend themselves other than being
perceived as greedy and profit driven entities.
Fast Retailing a strategy used by Zara and Uniqlo (to mention a few) will
become intense in the coming years. The upside being new fashion trends
becoming accessible to the public at an affordable cost. I see this being an
exciting joy ride for the retailing industry.
6. VolunTourism
This will be a big trend on the coming years to come in the tourism
industry. As we become involved in our environment, tourists will be compelled
to add value in places they visit. This trend will make sustainability possible
in this area of our life.
Deteching is the new detox. As technology overruns our life and we become
dependent of it. A lot of people will embrace Deteching as an escape or respite
for this overwhelming technology. A lot of brands will use Deteching as a
marketing campaign to connect with their consumers. I already saw a campaign
that used this strategy as of this writing and a lot more to follow along this
8 8. Little
The Little Emperor syndrome brought upon China’s one child policy is a
marketing and sociological challenge that will have an impact in years to come
as this Little Emperors grow and their affluence increased.
A marketer can take advantage of this in selling high-ticket products and
9. Brand
Virgins is a segment marketers need to capture. They are new to the brand and
will need better attention and care so that they can slowly but surely be
intimately connected to the brand.
As more and more brands
appreciate creating stories to connect to their target market, status stories
will be more prevalent in the way they communicate to their market. This is
because of the rise of the numbers of the affluent and the need to fulfill the
aspirations of those dreaming to become part of the affluent group.
There you are the top 10 concepts
I learned and loved in the recent Asian Marketing Congress.
- Sunday, July 27, 2014
Not my
original idea.
However, if
you are participating in events you must make sure that your products and
services fit with the events. It must be along the concept that the event
offers. Logically and rightly so, if you join an event that is very far from
the category of your products and services then there is a very big possibility
that you will not maximize your participation.
One big
reason, the attendees of the event may not fit with the target market that you
expect because you do not fit with the concept.
So always
remember, the greater the fit, the greater the value events can give you in
terms of results and mileage.
- Wednesday, June 01, 2011
I don’t know if I will be flattered. Google selected exlinkevents as one of the beneficiary for a free adwords advertising. I know this will be beneficial for www.exlinkevents.com or to www.megabalikbayanofwexpo.com.ph. But the deeper issue is how new media like Google is trying to penetrate its market thru direct mail – a traditional form of promotion.
It only goes to show that like any products or services, we need to maximize the available marketing tools in order to attract our market.
Therefore, in light of what I experienced I can say that the competition for all forms of media is fun and the rules is that there is no rules, it is like saying may the best imagination wins.
- Monday, September 27, 2010
It is what every products and services want. It is what all companies battle to acquire. They know that when their products and services achieve high visibility in a particular event they will have an upper hand in their competition in the long run.
So I ask why are companies not aggressive enough to acquire it when joining expo and tradeshows.
Is it because of the investment requirements?
There are many ways no to spend a lot in achieving high visibility in events. A concentrated activity in a particular timeslot is one way and having said this you have to figure other creative ways to maximize events.
For the engagement the events provide is more than the investment that you will place into it. Just try once and you will see what I mean with it.
- Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Globalization has change the way we do business. On the other hand, internet made it possible for unknown brands to compete and corner markets around the world.
It is also interesting to note that in order for countries to grow it must nurture small and medium business and forward to cause of entrepreneurs.

The dynamics of these critical areas and concepts are what will be discuss in the upcoming 8th Strategic Marketing Conference with the them Pinoy as a Global Brand, slated this July 30, 2010, at the Aliw Theater.
More than an array of speakers, what always excites me is the StratMark Competition between different universities. This is where I get to hear and enjoy fresh ideas coming from the youth.
So buckle your seat belt and we are in for a ride in this annual event that has made Philippine Marketing one of the best events in Asia.
- Friday, July 09, 2010
Mr. Cecilio Pedro, CEO Lamoiyan Corp. gives the Opening Address.
PMA President Nick Fontanilla Welcome Address
Mr. Jimmy Siybauco, This year's NMC Over all Chairman and Mitch Ballesteros, NMC Exhibit Chair
Exhibit Area enjoyed by Attendees
Mr. Thomas Fernandez, best selling author of Niche Dominator Success Secrets Exposed and me.
EXLINK staff manage the exhibit area and attend the conference.
- Friday, June 25, 2010
The annual National Marketing Conference of the Philippine Marketing Association opens today’s with more than 500 delegates, and 30 exhibitors and sponsors joining this prestigious event.
The event which runs from June 24-25,2010 at Sofitel Philippine Plaza has this year’s theme : Marketing as Growth Accelerator: Marketing in Hyper Speed.
The event was opened by Dr. Cecilio Pedro, President of Lamoiyan Corporation. In his speech, he hammered to the delegates the need to speak positive things about the Philippines and the Filipinos. The delegates gave him a resounding applause as a signal that they agreed to what he said.
After his speech, RJ Esteban gave a scientific and incisive presentation about Laying Bare the Customer Mindset – Loyalty or Infidelity. He mentioned that some segments of the market have two conflicting personalities that marketers must know how to manage. He cited Batanes as a figurative example to what he is pointing at, and the OFW market as one of the specific examples.
The next speaker is Thomas Fernandez, a Singaporean who wrote the bestselling books “Secrets to Dominate Your Niche” and “Success Secrets Exposed”. He told about his success story how he dominated the pest control and management industry in Singapore and now the Asian market.
Before Lunch, the last session was about the Certified Practitioner of Marketing (CPM) where Dr. Rohan Somawansa expounds on the benefits of being a CPM.
Other speakers of the first day event are Mr. Ricardo de Vera on “The Different Shades of Green and How the Green Marketing Can Grow Your Market and Sales in Hyperspeed”, Mr. Jos Ortega,CEO of JWT on “Trapping the Elusive Generation Y Market to Expand and Grow” and Mr. Goran Aleks, GM of Sofitel on “Tourism as the Country’s Express Lane Towards Economic and Market Growth”.
- Thursday, June 24, 2010
I had a privilege to listen to the father and son tandem of Mr. Menardo Jimenez and Butch Jimenez. Both are achievers and Filipino leaders in their own right. The opportunity to listen to them is like finding money while you are meandering to a street – it’s a treasure that I will cherish.
Now, I would like to share Butch Jimenez 3P’s in being a leader to a group that moves and grow-up.
Now, I would like to share Butch Jimenez 3P’s in being a leader to a group that moves and grow-up.
He mentioned that balloons need helium but state that low helium will not make balloons fly. While too much helium will make balloons explode. Therefore, the challenge is finding the balance, the right mix of helium to make the balloons fly.
This is how he compares pressure that we as leader apply to people to make them move. He said that there are two pressures, the negative and positive. The key is to apply positive pressure to make our people move in the direction that we like.
Passion, his second P, is what makes people grow-up and fly high. He said that he would rather work with people that have passion than work with skilled people that have no passion.
Passion can be develop within the team if the leader shows by example how passionate he/she is to the work.
He said that passion determines the winner between two teams that have the same skill sets.
The most important P among the Ps of Butch Jimenez is purpose. There must be a deeper reason why a person is doing something and achieving it. In the research he mentioned it is not money but the feeling of being significant. SIGNIFICANCE therefore is very important and it is derived by the purpose that a leader spells out to his team.
He examples his drive to make DSL a staple in the whole country, at first; he cannot derive any meaning to what he is dong other than selling DSL to the country. But alas, after reading a book about the great Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore, his purpose in selling DSL got deeper. He learned from Lee Kuan Yew that DSL or Internet for that matter is important in bringing education and growth to the country.
In fact, as he hammered out, for Singapore it is very critical that each and every family owns an internet connection for Singapore to be able to compete with the world.
This is what drove Butch Jimenez to promote and push DSL in the country. A deeper purpose for what he is doing.
This is what leaders must spell-out clearly their respective teams, the purpose deeper than what the eyes can see.
The purpose must be linked and beneficial to the society and the country.
I love being part of the audience last night. I enjoyed the father and son tandem talking and sharing their success secrets.Of course, I enjoyed the food and the music. The organizers are very good in creating a seamless event.
I believe that these 3Ps would be beneficial to all MICE operators in facing the challenges of the world.
In the face of stiff competition, we MICE players must have put positive pressure to our people, be passionate on what we do and have a purpose that touch the growth of our society and country.
If this 3 ingredients interplay well in our practice, I see that a great Philippines is just around the corner.
- Saturday, June 19, 2010
Take look into the future, a look into the past
Can you realize that we are goin' fast
I feel yesterday was just a second away
But as the seconds flow memories disarray
Our way leads to nowhere, time is a mystery
Our plan is to find it, we're goin' hyperspeed
Our life leads to somewhere, it seems a memory
As we speed to find it we loose the entity
- By Lyrics from Hyperspeed Hallucination by Prodigy
Today says a lot of something to what is in store for us in the future. Today always seems already gone the moment you open your eyes in the morning. It seems Today is on a rush to leave the parking lot immediately even before the sun sets in.
This moment is so commonplace in all aspects of our life right now. So having stated the obvious what now?
My answer is that we need to ADJUST ourselves to this reality - CONSCIOUS ADJUSTMENT. Sounds easy, but actually it is like stopping a rushing wave without anything to hold on to. Running head-on smack to the hyper speeding waves of reality will destroy us. It will drown us and make us numb – makes us unable to differentiate what is real and not real.
Good thing that there is an event that will delve on Hyper Speed and how we can harness and tame this bull from the horn.
In particular, I am talking about taming and generating power in Hyper Speed in the field of Marketing.
Yes! June is National Marketing Conference (NMC) month of the Philippine Marketing Association (PMA) and they have prepared a diverse topics and speakers that will examine the fuzzy Global Market and White Spaces left in the market place where we can triumph and harness the power of hyper speed.
This is a challenging task but with the deep experience of PMA in conducting breakthrough conference for the marketing industry the attendees will surely go home satisfied and illuminated at the end of the two-day conference.
Samples of the topics are: Trapping the Elusive Generation Y Market to Expand and Grow, Laying Bare the Customer Mindset – Loyalty or Fidelity?, Reinventing Physical Space as a Hyper growth Strategy and the Future of Marketing Communication.
By the way, the event is slated next week June 24-25 at Sofitel Philippine Plaza. The fees are very affordable for PMA Members it is P10,000.00 and for Non PMA members it is P12,000.00, for onsite registrants it is P15,000.00.
Also, EXLINK Management and Marketing Conference can accept your registration. Just call tel # 643-3887 or 640-1280.
I like to sum the experience that is about to take place in this NMC, it is like reading Alvin Toffler’s Powershift for the first time and basking on different game-changing concepts that is unto your lap for the taking.
Yes, there is this seriousness of topics but don’t be fooled and don’t be afraid, PMA is known for tackling these topics to a very simple yet enjoyable journey.
- Friday, June 18, 2010

Learn from the experts, immerse yourself to the wonderful world of entrepreneurship and business, grab opportunity by the neck!
Philippine Business Expo (PBE) gives you the edge. It gives you the exposure and different sets of business opportunities and quality network that you will need to give you the EDGE in starting a business.
Besides the EDGE is the bigger horizon that the event will provide you. More than the exposure is a change of mindset and a fresh look at the opportunity present in this time!
Get all of these benefits and more!
Philippine Business Expo is slated June 16-17,2009 at Mindanao Room, Sofitel Plaza.
Philippine Business Expo is slated June 16-17,2009 at Mindanao Room, Sofitel Plaza.
The best thing about PBE?
It's open to the public and there can no other best thing to happen to your time and effort that to rake in all the benefits that this event have for FREE!
It's open to the public and there can no other best thing to happen to your time and effort that to rake in all the benefits that this event have for FREE!
For inquiries call tel # 6433887
- Monday, June 15, 2009
The Philippine Business Expo nears and you still got the opportunity to be part of this grand event.
The event is a big gathering of buyers and sellers from all over Metro Manila and the Country.
See who's on the list
Asian Hospital and Medical Center
Asian Institute of Management
Philippine Seven Corp.
Landico Pacific Corporation
Meralco Financial Services Corp.
Sodexho Pass Inc.
Robinsons Mini Stop
Directory Philippines Corp.
Club Ultima
Enchanted Kingdom Inc.
Citi Bank N.A.
Enzio Ferrera
AZ Direct
Philippine Tourism Authority
Club Balai Isabel
Cactus Realty / One Pacific Place
What is Philippine Business Expo
Philippine Business Expo (PBE) is an event of Philippine Marketing Association (PMA). PBE is a concurrent event along side with National Marketing Conference on June 16 & 17 at Mindanao Hall Hotel Sofitel Philippine Plaza, which will gather marketing managers, owners, entrepreneurs and other decision makers of different organizations.
The exhibition will gather not only participants from National Marketing Conference but buyers and sellers from all over Metro Manila and the Country. The two day event aims to congregate 5,000 visitors coming from different business associations, institutions, entrepreneur and OFW groups, and universities.
It will feature OPEN business seminars on entrepreneurship, marketing and sales, business management and business opportunities presentations while showcasing 70 plus exhibitors that will present different business opportunities to visitors.
Who are invited
Franchising opportunities, companies offering dealership, distributorship, multi-level marketing, trainings and consultancies, services, manufacturing, marketing products and services, technology and gadgets, inventions, home based business, cottage industries and a lot more.
What are your Benefits in joining
What made those companies join the Phil Business Expo. Find their secrets behind it.
1. Profitable Promotion mileage
2. Generate quality clients and new business partners
3. Sales, sales, sales!
4. Gain Learnings and new doable plans that will help boost your organization this year!
It's never too late to join! Book Now!
click here http://exlinkevents.com/index.php?option=com_mosforms&Itemid=7
Participation Investment: Php25, 000.00 only!
The investment includes:
- 2m x 2m exhibit space
- 1 chair and 1 table
- 1 flourescent light
- duplex convenient outlet
- over-all janitorial services and administrative services
Be one with these prestigious companies!
Book your exhibit now!
For queries please contact:
EX-LINK MGMT. & MKTG. SERVICES CORPORATIONTel. No/s: 63-2-643-3887 / 63-2-640-1280Tel/Fax : 63-2-640-1280 / 63-2-640-7439 E-mail: info_exlink@yahoo.com
Visit: www. exlinkevents. comUnit 1-C Soriaville Royale, 88 Sandoval Avenue, San Miguel Pasig City, Philippines
The event is a big gathering of buyers and sellers from all over Metro Manila and the Country.
See who's on the list
Asian Hospital and Medical Center
Asian Institute of Management
Philippine Seven Corp.
Landico Pacific Corporation
Meralco Financial Services Corp.
Sodexho Pass Inc.
Robinsons Mini Stop
Directory Philippines Corp.
Club Ultima
Enchanted Kingdom Inc.
Citi Bank N.A.
Enzio Ferrera
AZ Direct
Philippine Tourism Authority
Club Balai Isabel
Cactus Realty / One Pacific Place
What is Philippine Business Expo
Philippine Business Expo (PBE) is an event of Philippine Marketing Association (PMA). PBE is a concurrent event along side with National Marketing Conference on June 16 & 17 at Mindanao Hall Hotel Sofitel Philippine Plaza, which will gather marketing managers, owners, entrepreneurs and other decision makers of different organizations.
The exhibition will gather not only participants from National Marketing Conference but buyers and sellers from all over Metro Manila and the Country. The two day event aims to congregate 5,000 visitors coming from different business associations, institutions, entrepreneur and OFW groups, and universities.
It will feature OPEN business seminars on entrepreneurship, marketing and sales, business management and business opportunities presentations while showcasing 70 plus exhibitors that will present different business opportunities to visitors.
Who are invited
Franchising opportunities, companies offering dealership, distributorship, multi-level marketing, trainings and consultancies, services, manufacturing, marketing products and services, technology and gadgets, inventions, home based business, cottage industries and a lot more.
What are your Benefits in joining
What made those companies join the Phil Business Expo. Find their secrets behind it.
1. Profitable Promotion mileage
2. Generate quality clients and new business partners
3. Sales, sales, sales!
4. Gain Learnings and new doable plans that will help boost your organization this year!
It's never too late to join! Book Now!
click here http://exlinkevents.com/index.php?option=com_mosforms&Itemid=7
Participation Investment: Php25, 000.00 only!
The investment includes:
- 2m x 2m exhibit space
- 1 chair and 1 table
- 1 flourescent light
- duplex convenient outlet
- over-all janitorial services and administrative services
Be one with these prestigious companies!
Book your exhibit now!
For queries please contact:
EX-LINK MGMT. & MKTG. SERVICES CORPORATIONTel. No/s: 63-2-643-3887 / 63-2-640-1280Tel/Fax : 63-2-640-1280 / 63-2-640-7439 E-mail: info_exlink@yahoo.com
Visit: www. exlinkevents. comUnit 1-C Soriaville Royale, 88 Sandoval Avenue, San Miguel Pasig City, Philippines
- Monday, June 08, 2009